Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-10-19: Front
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Enc: A few items for the scrapbook. The State University of Iowa IOWA CITY Office of the Director Department of Athletics Division of physical education Saturday 10 - 19 - 40 Dear George: While listening to tho Iowa-Indiana game over theo radio it suddenly came to me that today must be your birthday. As it is now the half 1 thought I would take the brief opportunity to knock out a line or two to you. I wish that I had the time to write all the suggestions and bits of advice that have occurod to me in the last year or two concerning you--but failing in that I shall just hope that the brief line or two I do type will be of interest and possible inspiration to you. From time to time father and mother have written me of fine progress that you have shown in this or that direction. It is always so satisfying to hear such news. You in company with your two older brothers have a priceless heritage which it is our duty and privilege to maintain and improve upon. We three have a fine home, fine food, good health, exceptional parents, harmonious home surroundings, and a religion incomparable. How blessed is our opportunity--how important that we make use of the "talents" that are ours. It is criminal neglect if we fail to make positive use of these advantages in thought, action and deed. In many ways you are far ahead of Ben and me at the age of 14--and in other ways possibly you haven't shown as much progress. Nobody can tell better than yourself where you should strive for improvement. Take stock occasionally and then act on what you find. You are now beginn ing to grow and strengthen physically and mentally. Be sure that both are shaped toward laudable ends. Nothing can insure this more completely than daily study of your Bible and Science and Health. It isn't a chore that you should look to each day but rather a joyous and productive privilege that it is a crime to neglect. Father tells me that you are showing a more workmanlike attitude toward your studiesthis year. 1 am mighty happy to hear this. Your future success and progress depends for its stability and foundation on what you do now and how well it is done. Don't be apathetic --be vigorous. And above all be alert--nothing can beat this characteristic. Be keen, develop a good memory --and strive for originality of thought--ideas are what pay off. Whether it be studies, athletics, health, anything whatsoever, if things go tough and don't seem to open up take a deep breath, a laugh, and a new determination. This is rather serious and doesn't sound just like me does it. I hardly need to tell you all this --you know it--but it isn't too soon to start thinking along this line. Just a few suggestions for what they are worth--rather loosely writtten but valid one and all Happy birthday, and love to you and all the family. Yours, Nile
Enc: A few items for the scrapbook. The State University of Iowa IOWA CITY Office of the Director Department of Athletics Division of physical education Saturday 10 - 19 - 40 Dear George: While listening to tho Iowa-Indiana game over theo radio it suddenly came to me that today must be your birthday. As it is now the half 1 thought I would take the brief opportunity to knock out a line or two to you. I wish that I had the time to write all the suggestions and bits of advice that have occurod to me in the last year or two concerning you--but failing in that I shall just hope that the brief line or two I do type will be of interest and possible inspiration to you. From time to time father and mother have written me of fine progress that you have shown in this or that direction. It is always so satisfying to hear such news. You in company with your two older brothers have a priceless heritage which it is our duty and privilege to maintain and improve upon. We three have a fine home, fine food, good health, exceptional parents, harmonious home surroundings, and a religion incomparable. How blessed is our opportunity--how important that we make use of the "talents" that are ours. It is criminal neglect if we fail to make positive use of these advantages in thought, action and deed. In many ways you are far ahead of Ben and me at the age of 14--and in other ways possibly you haven't shown as much progress. Nobody can tell better than yourself where you should strive for improvement. Take stock occasionally and then act on what you find. You are now beginn ing to grow and strengthen physically and mentally. Be sure that both are shaped toward laudable ends. Nothing can insure this more completely than daily study of your Bible and Science and Health. It isn't a chore that you should look to each day but rather a joyous and productive privilege that it is a crime to neglect. Father tells me that you are showing a more workmanlike attitude toward your studiesthis year. 1 am mighty happy to hear this. Your future success and progress depends for its stability and foundation on what you do now and how well it is done. Don't be apathetic --be vigorous. And above all be alert--nothing can beat this characteristic. Be keen, develop a good memory --and strive for originality of thought--ideas are what pay off. Whether it be studies, athletics, health, anything whatsoever, if things go tough and don't seem to open up take a deep breath, a laugh, and a new determination. This is rather serious and doesn't sound just like me does it. I hardly need to tell you all this --you know it--but it isn't too soon to start thinking along this line. Just a few suggestions for what they are worth--rather loosely writtten but valid one and all Happy birthday, and love to you and all the family. Yours, Nile
Nile Kinnick Collection