Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-10-26: Front
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Dear FamilY; Saturday Halftime of Iowa-Minn game 10 - 26 - 40 Well at last for better or for worse I have gotten into a field of study which will rival any in the amount of work required. I didn't suppose I would ever have to work this hard for any school work. I haven't read anything over twice since I started my educational career. I have always thought it a confession of mental weakness if I couldn't get it the first time. But here I shall settle for just getting it no matter how many times I have to go over it. It really is doing me a lot of good apart from the legal knowledge itself. It forces a more orderly thought and requires the use of the memory for little details. Both of which haven't been a part of my repetoire for the past few years. Generally speaking 1 am enjoying my work. There is a good deal of mechanical and arduous effort necessitated but in spite of that it is rather intriguing and I think that it in the ultimate it should be definitely fascinating and a lot of fun. This law school is one of three or four in the whole U. S. which requires outlines of each course from each student. Not ordinary skeleton outlines but comprehensive affairs with generalizations and citation of authority and individual comment, etc. which in effect amounts to a personal textbook. I have tw due shortly after the 1st of Dec. and one on Nov. 23 which is Homecoming. I started this first one this weekend and will soon have to start on the others. The only opportunity I shall have to get these done will be on the weekends so I guess I am in for some hibernation for awhile. The research work that has been required of me during my undergraduate days was almost nil so this sort of thing is also a new experience for me. All good experience I can hear you all say???? In view of all this I doubt if I shall be able to get out to the Nebr. game. However, if everything goes as Ie xpect I am going down to the Notre Dame game at South Bend. If it can be worked out I want to go into Chicago with the team on Friday, see a play, go to the game on Sat. and then back for a little some thing or other in Chicago that night. Celia Peairs is going to school at U of Chicago I understand and I am trying to work out a little companionship for all these plans. Should be mighty nice if it culminates. As. to your gift of the car--thanks a million but we'll just let things drift in the status quo for awhile with no commitments. I sent my church dues as you suggested. Mother, please send that quotation that you enclosed once before but which I now have misplaced. It was very good. Gus, I should like to have seen you in action at the night school. I bet you would make a swell pedagogue--but very responsive to a little apple polishing from the femmeys. Do you still stay in the office at the noon hours surrounded by all the female help? Must be very chummy??? I gave alittle talk down at Davenport the other night oncitizenship--it was broadcast--and was substantially the same thing I gave at Iowa Falls with about five minutes prefatory remarks that were entirely different. On Tues. following I had a letter from Waymack, editor of editorial pages of DM Register saying a friend of his at Davenport saying he should be all means ask for my text--which he did. It was a nice gesture --but since the Iowa Daily press gave it full coverage before I don't know what he can do with it apart from his own personal interest. (over)
Dear FamilY; Saturday Halftime of Iowa-Minn game 10 - 26 - 40 Well at last for better or for worse I have gotten into a field of study which will rival any in the amount of work required. I didn't suppose I would ever have to work this hard for any school work. I haven't read anything over twice since I started my educational career. I have always thought it a confession of mental weakness if I couldn't get it the first time. But here I shall settle for just getting it no matter how many times I have to go over it. It really is doing me a lot of good apart from the legal knowledge itself. It forces a more orderly thought and requires the use of the memory for little details. Both of which haven't been a part of my repetoire for the past few years. Generally speaking 1 am enjoying my work. There is a good deal of mechanical and arduous effort necessitated but in spite of that it is rather intriguing and I think that it in the ultimate it should be definitely fascinating and a lot of fun. This law school is one of three or four in the whole U. S. which requires outlines of each course from each student. Not ordinary skeleton outlines but comprehensive affairs with generalizations and citation of authority and individual comment, etc. which in effect amounts to a personal textbook. I have tw due shortly after the 1st of Dec. and one on Nov. 23 which is Homecoming. I started this first one this weekend and will soon have to start on the others. The only opportunity I shall have to get these done will be on the weekends so I guess I am in for some hibernation for awhile. The research work that has been required of me during my undergraduate days was almost nil so this sort of thing is also a new experience for me. All good experience I can hear you all say???? In view of all this I doubt if I shall be able to get out to the Nebr. game. However, if everything goes as Ie xpect I am going down to the Notre Dame game at South Bend. If it can be worked out I want to go into Chicago with the team on Friday, see a play, go to the game on Sat. and then back for a little some thing or other in Chicago that night. Celia Peairs is going to school at U of Chicago I understand and I am trying to work out a little companionship for all these plans. Should be mighty nice if it culminates. As. to your gift of the car--thanks a million but we'll just let things drift in the status quo for awhile with no commitments. I sent my church dues as you suggested. Mother, please send that quotation that you enclosed once before but which I now have misplaced. It was very good. Gus, I should like to have seen you in action at the night school. I bet you would make a swell pedagogue--but very responsive to a little apple polishing from the femmeys. Do you still stay in the office at the noon hours surrounded by all the female help? Must be very chummy??? I gave alittle talk down at Davenport the other night oncitizenship--it was broadcast--and was substantially the same thing I gave at Iowa Falls with about five minutes prefatory remarks that were entirely different. On Tues. following I had a letter from Waymack, editor of editorial pages of DM Register saying a friend of his at Davenport saying he should be all means ask for my text--which he did. It was a nice gesture --but since the Iowa Daily press gave it full coverage before I don't know what he can do with it apart from his own personal interest. (over)
Nile Kinnick Collection