Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-10-26: Back
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Incidentally if I do go to Chicago and should be able to get a date and should like to go to dinner before aid play or show where would you suggest where your booris son could get along without disturbing tho whole place and making said femmey want to go home. Nice but not too fancy --you know,gus--not one of these places where the waiter asks your companion if you want a half portion or full of egg plant. Things are generally going pretty well for me-- very busy yes--but holding up easily --and doing alright in the law I guess. I'll not know for sure until I have a chance to look at some test questions. Boy how these weeks do fly by --even faster than in previous years --can you feature that. Thanks very much for the sentinels, and articles, etc. My opportunities for much studying and reading are limited but 1 am getting some in--and really look forward to getting to Church on Sundays. Your comments on Betty Dodson wore interesting. I met her last week or ratherthe week before. She came down to see Wiley Mains the boy to wuom you evidently were referring as the boy from Harvard. She is very nice looking and seems fine in every respect though I didn't get much of a chance to talk to her. Wiley is one of the best boys in the school down here---I expect they get along very well. The campaign looks a little more encouraging now doesn't it. Willkie is doing a marvelous job and mostly by himself. He reminds me of a quotation by Horace Greeley I believe it was. "I am sincere: I shall not excuse; I shall not retreat one single inch: and I shall be heard" Van Paasen the fellow who wrote the book in which I had you read here and there gave a talk here the other night. I didn't get to hear it since I was in Davenport but he didn't paint a very pretty picture. Seemed to think that the British Isles weren't going to fall but that Hitler was going to start in on the Suez which he thought would fall inside of six weeks and with the life line gone in the Mediterranean he thought the Empire would crumble. Said he had seen maps of Hitler's showing the US. divided down thru Chicago with Japan on the west side and Germ, on the East. Said it wasn't funny because he had seen maps in 1933 of present Hitler conquests and he had laughed but they came thru. Sounds kind of funny why they shouldn't have divided at the Miss. River doesn't it. He didn't think Japan was much of a power or a threat. He said France was sold out by the upper class--the industrialists and not the Popular Front. And so on and so on.There is a fine article on the spirit of the British in the present Reader's Digest and an exeellent one--very interesting at least --and beautifully written by Anne Morrow Lindbergh--a remarkable woman I do believe. Well that is a bout all I have time for now. Love to all and wold like to hear from you when you get time. Yours, Nile
Incidentally if I do go to Chicago and should be able to get a date and should like to go to dinner before aid play or show where would you suggest where your booris son could get along without disturbing tho whole place and making said femmey want to go home. Nice but not too fancy --you know,gus--not one of these places where the waiter asks your companion if you want a half portion or full of egg plant. Things are generally going pretty well for me-- very busy yes--but holding up easily --and doing alright in the law I guess. I'll not know for sure until I have a chance to look at some test questions. Boy how these weeks do fly by --even faster than in previous years --can you feature that. Thanks very much for the sentinels, and articles, etc. My opportunities for much studying and reading are limited but 1 am getting some in--and really look forward to getting to Church on Sundays. Your comments on Betty Dodson wore interesting. I met her last week or ratherthe week before. She came down to see Wiley Mains the boy to wuom you evidently were referring as the boy from Harvard. She is very nice looking and seems fine in every respect though I didn't get much of a chance to talk to her. Wiley is one of the best boys in the school down here---I expect they get along very well. The campaign looks a little more encouraging now doesn't it. Willkie is doing a marvelous job and mostly by himself. He reminds me of a quotation by Horace Greeley I believe it was. "I am sincere: I shall not excuse; I shall not retreat one single inch: and I shall be heard" Van Paasen the fellow who wrote the book in which I had you read here and there gave a talk here the other night. I didn't get to hear it since I was in Davenport but he didn't paint a very pretty picture. Seemed to think that the British Isles weren't going to fall but that Hitler was going to start in on the Suez which he thought would fall inside of six weeks and with the life line gone in the Mediterranean he thought the Empire would crumble. Said he had seen maps of Hitler's showing the US. divided down thru Chicago with Japan on the west side and Germ, on the East. Said it wasn't funny because he had seen maps in 1933 of present Hitler conquests and he had laughed but they came thru. Sounds kind of funny why they shouldn't have divided at the Miss. River doesn't it. He didn't think Japan was much of a power or a threat. He said France was sold out by the upper class--the industrialists and not the Popular Front. And so on and so on.There is a fine article on the spirit of the British in the present Reader's Digest and an exeellent one--very interesting at least --and beautifully written by Anne Morrow Lindbergh--a remarkable woman I do believe. Well that is a bout all I have time for now. Love to all and wold like to hear from you when you get time. Yours, Nile
Nile Kinnick Collection