Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-11-09: Front
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Saturday Nov. 9th [1940] Dear Family: All last night and for three hours this morning 1 have been working on my torts outline. By sometime this afternoon I should be get it up to as far as we have gone thus far. These outlines would be, perhaps, quite helpful if the students had more time in which to do them, but as it is they can't be anything but hastily thrown together sketches of what might be done. There is too much mechanical work connected with them to allow time for the serious and analytical thought required. I have decided to race through all of them but one and see if I can bear down on it just to determine whether 1 could if absolutely necessary. Two of these outlines are due just about at the end of the football season hence the necessity of my staying home this weekend and getting them pretty well in hand--for this next week I am going to Notre Dame and the following week is the game here with Illinois which would prevent me getting much done. I believe that I am liking the law better right along and as 1 have mentioned many times before I believe it is doing my thinking process some good--by necessity. Nothing like necessity itself to stir men to their capabilities. I don't envy the football team this week. They are pretty much down inthe mouth I am afraid and are going to meet one of the best and roughest football teams in the country todya. If they should get off to a decent start against Nebr. they will do ok but otherwise it is apt tobe a long afternoon. What they need more than anything else is someone to pull them together, etc. Unfortunately all coaches including Anderson who have coached where there has been a lot of material have seen fit "burn" the boys into greater effort by sarcastic words and relegating them to the scrubs for awhile until they snap out of it. That works pretty well where there are many boys of equal calibre struggling for a chance but where the material is scarce what they need more than anything else is some inspirational encouragement--I am afraid the coaches are making a mistake in this direction --but then again maybe I am wrong. Saturday should throw some light on my contention. If they do at sll well against Nebr. they should really get up on their toes for Notre Dame. Beating that outfit is always a satisfaction for anyone. The Chicago deal is all set and I hope that it turns out to be as much fun as I anticipate. Then again if it turns out too satisfacorily 1 might not be able to concentrate on my law as well --guess there is no need to worry about that, however. Had a nice letter from Uncle Charlie and also from Fred concerning the speech printed in the Des Moines Register --hope I get the time to answer both. I saw Mrs. Houghton the night of the Homecoming Pep meeting/ As she came onto the platform she said hello and mentioned having dinner with you in Adel. I had no idea at the time who she was but following your letter 1 guessed the connection. Iowa's new president Mr. Hancher seems to be a pretty good guy. I had dinner with him along with the coaches, etc. Very nice looking, appears intelligent likeable but not quite as forecful as 1 thought he might be--but not willy-nilly however. Much obliged for the nice letters you both have sent periodically. It is is a r eal joy to get them . Yes, Gus I saw the cartoon you alluded to and I thought the same thing you did--wish I had been home and we should have added to the fun we have with "OH K NILE THEY'VE GONE **C0ME ON IN AND COME ALL YE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL AND DRINK deep. No place like home;( Jimmy George was down last weekedn and we tad a good chat. He is now employed by the Interstate Fiance company of Dubuque. He is going tobe situated in Davenport for while so I expect I'll see him on the weekends quite often. He is coming up tonite and have supper with me--or rather he is coming up for a date and have a bite with me before he goes out. I don't know why I sit around all the time--its true I don't have much time to go out but I sure
Saturday Nov. 9th [1940] Dear Family: All last night and for three hours this morning 1 have been working on my torts outline. By sometime this afternoon I should be get it up to as far as we have gone thus far. These outlines would be, perhaps, quite helpful if the students had more time in which to do them, but as it is they can't be anything but hastily thrown together sketches of what might be done. There is too much mechanical work connected with them to allow time for the serious and analytical thought required. I have decided to race through all of them but one and see if I can bear down on it just to determine whether 1 could if absolutely necessary. Two of these outlines are due just about at the end of the football season hence the necessity of my staying home this weekend and getting them pretty well in hand--for this next week I am going to Notre Dame and the following week is the game here with Illinois which would prevent me getting much done. I believe that I am liking the law better right along and as 1 have mentioned many times before I believe it is doing my thinking process some good--by necessity. Nothing like necessity itself to stir men to their capabilities. I don't envy the football team this week. They are pretty much down inthe mouth I am afraid and are going to meet one of the best and roughest football teams in the country todya. If they should get off to a decent start against Nebr. they will do ok but otherwise it is apt tobe a long afternoon. What they need more than anything else is someone to pull them together, etc. Unfortunately all coaches including Anderson who have coached where there has been a lot of material have seen fit "burn" the boys into greater effort by sarcastic words and relegating them to the scrubs for awhile until they snap out of it. That works pretty well where there are many boys of equal calibre struggling for a chance but where the material is scarce what they need more than anything else is some inspirational encouragement--I am afraid the coaches are making a mistake in this direction --but then again maybe I am wrong. Saturday should throw some light on my contention. If they do at sll well against Nebr. they should really get up on their toes for Notre Dame. Beating that outfit is always a satisfaction for anyone. The Chicago deal is all set and I hope that it turns out to be as much fun as I anticipate. Then again if it turns out too satisfacorily 1 might not be able to concentrate on my law as well --guess there is no need to worry about that, however. Had a nice letter from Uncle Charlie and also from Fred concerning the speech printed in the Des Moines Register --hope I get the time to answer both. I saw Mrs. Houghton the night of the Homecoming Pep meeting/ As she came onto the platform she said hello and mentioned having dinner with you in Adel. I had no idea at the time who she was but following your letter 1 guessed the connection. Iowa's new president Mr. Hancher seems to be a pretty good guy. I had dinner with him along with the coaches, etc. Very nice looking, appears intelligent likeable but not quite as forecful as 1 thought he might be--but not willy-nilly however. Much obliged for the nice letters you both have sent periodically. It is is a r eal joy to get them . Yes, Gus I saw the cartoon you alluded to and I thought the same thing you did--wish I had been home and we should have added to the fun we have with "OH K NILE THEY'VE GONE **C0ME ON IN AND COME ALL YE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL AND DRINK deep. No place like home;( Jimmy George was down last weekedn and we tad a good chat. He is now employed by the Interstate Fiance company of Dubuque. He is going tobe situated in Davenport for while so I expect I'll see him on the weekends quite often. He is coming up tonite and have supper with me--or rather he is coming up for a date and have a bite with me before he goes out. I don't know why I sit around all the time--its true I don't have much time to go out but I sure
Nile Kinnick Collection