Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-11-09: Back
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don't make much effort to squeeze in any dates. Sad state affairs I'M afraid. Ben must be having a fine time--I had a card from him down there some where the g I disremember just where. How is he getting along this year. I suppose he is busier than ever also. I could sure give him that old son and dance we used to reiterate in hi school about going tobed getting up going to school practicin football come home, eat, study, go to bed and so on ad infinitum. But it is different now--this being busy all the time is pretty much down my alley. I feel better than I ever have for along time And the saving factor is being able to laugh at any time and at my own trouble and mistakes. It gives a real zest and joy to just about any endeavour. And I am not spending half my time in bed anymore--plenty of rest is fine but being mesmerized in to laying around in bed all t he time is a mighty punk habit. Hope I can bear this in mind for evermore. Haven't heard from Bob Hobbs for a long time. Rather expected to hear from him immediately after the election belaboring the election of the White Father ag in--but then perhaps he just expired after the outcome. He sounds like Fred anymore--he must have enjoyed listening to him when he was over on the island -- if Fred happend to have gotten wound up. I am not as disappoin ted in the result as I should be perhaps --but that is because of the world situation--I think Willkie and Rosy see about eye to eye on that and I doubt if as long as this situation prevails abroad Willkie could hlep the ho me situation much. If it weren't for that aspect I should say get him out of there as soon as possible. Unless I am behind in my work or feel the necessity of getting ahead I think i will tentatvive ly plan to come up to Adel for Thanksgiving. I'll try to let you know a week or s in advance --or are you folks planning to come back. Glad to hear that the Nebr C lothing window looks ok--mighty nice of you to take the trouble to send for the other trophies--I doubt if you could have persuaded me to look after that--the fe low in Fairfield will be very much obliged to you I know for sending the AllStar suit. Did any of the boys I mentioned get up to see you on their way down to Lincoln. If they bothered you any I am soory I thot you might like to see them. The weeks pop by like days anymore--Christmas vacation will be here before 1 know it and I expect I'll be Plenty ready for it when it rolls around-- and I suppose I shall have to spend half my time while home completing outlines, etc. Onward , onward, ect. go, go, go, --fun tho fun tho what do you day Geor up and at them why when I was at your age I could hardly wait to get off to school, etc. Nice going on the screens sonny boy --I wonder if you are out for basketball--if not don't spend your time learning to be a drug store cowboy and you know what I mean. Get a job stamping out fall fires in vacant lots or something. As I remeber it the lecturers name last, week or the week before whenever it was --was named Davis. Expect you are all hopped up about the new decorating ins ide aren't you mother. Mighty fine --mighty fine. Guess I am getting slappy, woud like to see you all Love Nile
don't make much effort to squeeze in any dates. Sad state affairs I'M afraid. Ben must be having a fine time--I had a card from him down there some where the g I disremember just where. How is he getting along this year. I suppose he is busier than ever also. I could sure give him that old son and dance we used to reiterate in hi school about going tobed getting up going to school practicin football come home, eat, study, go to bed and so on ad infinitum. But it is different now--this being busy all the time is pretty much down my alley. I feel better than I ever have for along time And the saving factor is being able to laugh at any time and at my own trouble and mistakes. It gives a real zest and joy to just about any endeavour. And I am not spending half my time in bed anymore--plenty of rest is fine but being mesmerized in to laying around in bed all t he time is a mighty punk habit. Hope I can bear this in mind for evermore. Haven't heard from Bob Hobbs for a long time. Rather expected to hear from him immediately after the election belaboring the election of the White Father ag in--but then perhaps he just expired after the outcome. He sounds like Fred anymore--he must have enjoyed listening to him when he was over on the island -- if Fred happend to have gotten wound up. I am not as disappoin ted in the result as I should be perhaps --but that is because of the world situation--I think Willkie and Rosy see about eye to eye on that and I doubt if as long as this situation prevails abroad Willkie could hlep the ho me situation much. If it weren't for that aspect I should say get him out of there as soon as possible. Unless I am behind in my work or feel the necessity of getting ahead I think i will tentatvive ly plan to come up to Adel for Thanksgiving. I'll try to let you know a week or s in advance --or are you folks planning to come back. Glad to hear that the Nebr C lothing window looks ok--mighty nice of you to take the trouble to send for the other trophies--I doubt if you could have persuaded me to look after that--the fe low in Fairfield will be very much obliged to you I know for sending the AllStar suit. Did any of the boys I mentioned get up to see you on their way down to Lincoln. If they bothered you any I am soory I thot you might like to see them. The weeks pop by like days anymore--Christmas vacation will be here before 1 know it and I expect I'll be Plenty ready for it when it rolls around-- and I suppose I shall have to spend half my time while home completing outlines, etc. Onward , onward, ect. go, go, go, --fun tho fun tho what do you day Geor up and at them why when I was at your age I could hardly wait to get off to school, etc. Nice going on the screens sonny boy --I wonder if you are out for basketball--if not don't spend your time learning to be a drug store cowboy and you know what I mean. Get a job stamping out fall fires in vacant lots or something. As I remeber it the lecturers name last, week or the week before whenever it was --was named Davis. Expect you are all hopped up about the new decorating ins ide aren't you mother. Mighty fine --mighty fine. Guess I am getting slappy, woud like to see you all Love Nile
Nile Kinnick Collection