Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-11-22: Front
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November 22,1940 To Dean Rienow: I deem it a grand privilege and pleasure to be permitted to add mine to the many testimonials given in your behalf. Many, many times before I ever met you, student after student voluntarily stated to me that he who wanted a "square deal" should stop in and see Dean Rienow. And stop in to see you we did - always confident that you would greet us with a warm handclasp and an understanding heart. You made our problems your problems; and our joys, hopes, successes, and yes, of course, our disappointments were also yours. Where others have failed in this respect you have succeeded - and for that you have the deep appreciation of fathers and mothers all over the state, as well as the students themselves. I know that I voice the sincere sentiments of freshman and senior, fraternity and dormitory, when I say that to meet you is a pleasure; and to know you man to man is to gain a positive addition to our education. Respectfully, NK:er
November 22,1940 To Dean Rienow: I deem it a grand privilege and pleasure to be permitted to add mine to the many testimonials given in your behalf. Many, many times before I ever met you, student after student voluntarily stated to me that he who wanted a "square deal" should stop in and see Dean Rienow. And stop in to see you we did - always confident that you would greet us with a warm handclasp and an understanding heart. You made our problems your problems; and our joys, hopes, successes, and yes, of course, our disappointments were also yours. Where others have failed in this respect you have succeeded - and for that you have the deep appreciation of fathers and mothers all over the state, as well as the students themselves. I know that I voice the sincere sentiments of freshman and senior, fraternity and dormitory, when I say that to meet you is a pleasure; and to know you man to man is to gain a positive addition to our education. Respectfully, NK:er
Nile Kinnick Collection