Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-12-10: Front
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The State University of Iowa Iowa City Office of Dean of Men December 10, 1940 Mr., Nile Kinnick Law Commons University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa My dear Nile: May I take this opportunity to thank you for your very thoughtful and considerate letter presented at the dinner on December 3d. The boys have had these letters bound in a beautiful leather book which I shall prize very highly, I appreciate deeply your consideration, and the most that I can do is to say that I thank you for this expression of your friendship. With kindest personal regards, I remain, Very truly yours, Robt. Rienow Robert Rienow RR:JF
The State University of Iowa Iowa City Office of Dean of Men December 10, 1940 Mr., Nile Kinnick Law Commons University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa My dear Nile: May I take this opportunity to thank you for your very thoughtful and considerate letter presented at the dinner on December 3d. The boys have had these letters bound in a beautiful leather book which I shall prize very highly, I appreciate deeply your consideration, and the most that I can do is to say that I thank you for this expression of your friendship. With kindest personal regards, I remain, Very truly yours, Robt. Rienow Robert Rienow RR:JF
Nile Kinnick Collection