Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-03-01: Front
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Tues nite 10:15 PM 4 MAR about March 1, 1941 Dear Family: Once again it has been way too long since I have written, but will take 15 minutes off now and bang off hastily something or other. Everything is going along about as usual--very busy most of the time but enjoying considerably more than during the first semester. There still and will always be, I guess, considerable routine, tedious work but something of the glamour and intrigue begins to flit across my imagination and right at present I feel that I would enjoy practicing law but there is no particular hurry in coming to any definite decision, I guess. I mentioned by postcard that I had some good news concerning my grades. We had three tests at the semester --two of them true false affairs not counting too much and one final test iu Remedies. I have already told you I believe that I got a 1 and a 2 in the true false tests and that no grade is given in the final test given in Remedies --just flunk or pass. Well the other day the prof called me in and proceeded to say that altho he couldn't tell me what I got that he always liked to get a look at the boys who had exceptionally well in his course. He then told me that I had gotten a very high grade in the final and that I seemed to have a good grasp of the course, etc.--all of which was very encouraging to me and somewhat of a surprise. He called in five that day including my roommate and since then has called in about 15 more--all of whom get more or less the same story(the full class is over a 100) but we rather feel that he has them grouped according to excellency of grade and that we were probably among the first five. There is no way of telling for sure but there is evidence indicating that to be the case. All very fine, my , my. Have you noticed how much clearer the letters are imprinted this time. I just had my teypewriter cleaned and oiled, etc.--it works a hundred per cent better. Took a little workout with the basketball today--it was a lot of fun--didn't work too hard nor too long and felt very sharp for an evening's study. And was I hot--no kidding, Geo., they just rained in from far out and from close in--gave me the thrill of old. Certainly you can't beat continued practice which perfects the form and execution of the different shots from one handers left and right to the set shot from the foul line back. It's hard to lose the eye completely if you have a well grounded method of execution. The hours spent up in the barn stand me in good stead--no ego pal just a certain am't of personal satisfaction. And you can do the same--practice, imagination, expectancy, UNDERSTANDING is about all it takes. The Law Commons is entering a team in the city tournament which I may play in if I have the time. It should be a lot of fun. Football practice is in full swing and altho they have only had about five or six practices they are scrimmaging inside the armory on that hard floor. No thanks for me: Anderson evidently has forgotten his idea of a small am't of scrimmage tho maybe he just meant in the fall--they all forget anyhow when they start losing--and I don't how they can do otherwise. As I watch those boys hammer at each other I begin to appreciate the fine memories that are mine-- they grow in value each time I see the fellows wearily drag in after practice. We can't tell yet of course whether the squad is any better than last year's or not but I believe that everybody is elgible next fall we should be in a little better shape as far as material goes--still not very good however. Two more outlines due in the next two weeks also a test in Agency then all that sort of thing is out of the way and the big drive begins to getready for the finals in the late spring. That is when we find out if we have learned anything or not--whether we are just practice players or have what it takes under fire. I should spend all of spring vacation trying to find out what this Real prop. is all about --whether I will or not is anotherthing. Our spring vacation starts on April ninth at noon and last until the following Tuesday morning. Thereis a possibility that I will have acouple of speeches to make on the way home which would delay my arrival somewhat but on the other hand I have't heard from them definitely yet and it may be that I can come st. thru.
Tues nite 10:15 PM 4 MAR about March 1, 1941 Dear Family: Once again it has been way too long since I have written, but will take 15 minutes off now and bang off hastily something or other. Everything is going along about as usual--very busy most of the time but enjoying considerably more than during the first semester. There still and will always be, I guess, considerable routine, tedious work but something of the glamour and intrigue begins to flit across my imagination and right at present I feel that I would enjoy practicing law but there is no particular hurry in coming to any definite decision, I guess. I mentioned by postcard that I had some good news concerning my grades. We had three tests at the semester --two of them true false affairs not counting too much and one final test iu Remedies. I have already told you I believe that I got a 1 and a 2 in the true false tests and that no grade is given in the final test given in Remedies --just flunk or pass. Well the other day the prof called me in and proceeded to say that altho he couldn't tell me what I got that he always liked to get a look at the boys who had exceptionally well in his course. He then told me that I had gotten a very high grade in the final and that I seemed to have a good grasp of the course, etc.--all of which was very encouraging to me and somewhat of a surprise. He called in five that day including my roommate and since then has called in about 15 more--all of whom get more or less the same story(the full class is over a 100) but we rather feel that he has them grouped according to excellency of grade and that we were probably among the first five. There is no way of telling for sure but there is evidence indicating that to be the case. All very fine, my , my. Have you noticed how much clearer the letters are imprinted this time. I just had my teypewriter cleaned and oiled, etc.--it works a hundred per cent better. Took a little workout with the basketball today--it was a lot of fun--didn't work too hard nor too long and felt very sharp for an evening's study. And was I hot--no kidding, Geo., they just rained in from far out and from close in--gave me the thrill of old. Certainly you can't beat continued practice which perfects the form and execution of the different shots from one handers left and right to the set shot from the foul line back. It's hard to lose the eye completely if you have a well grounded method of execution. The hours spent up in the barn stand me in good stead--no ego pal just a certain am't of personal satisfaction. And you can do the same--practice, imagination, expectancy, UNDERSTANDING is about all it takes. The Law Commons is entering a team in the city tournament which I may play in if I have the time. It should be a lot of fun. Football practice is in full swing and altho they have only had about five or six practices they are scrimmaging inside the armory on that hard floor. No thanks for me: Anderson evidently has forgotten his idea of a small am't of scrimmage tho maybe he just meant in the fall--they all forget anyhow when they start losing--and I don't how they can do otherwise. As I watch those boys hammer at each other I begin to appreciate the fine memories that are mine-- they grow in value each time I see the fellows wearily drag in after practice. We can't tell yet of course whether the squad is any better than last year's or not but I believe that everybody is elgible next fall we should be in a little better shape as far as material goes--still not very good however. Two more outlines due in the next two weeks also a test in Agency then all that sort of thing is out of the way and the big drive begins to getready for the finals in the late spring. That is when we find out if we have learned anything or not--whether we are just practice players or have what it takes under fire. I should spend all of spring vacation trying to find out what this Real prop. is all about --whether I will or not is anotherthing. Our spring vacation starts on April ninth at noon and last until the following Tuesday morning. Thereis a possibility that I will have acouple of speeches to make on the way home which would delay my arrival somewhat but on the other hand I have't heard from them definitely yet and it may be that I can come st. thru.
Nile Kinnick Collection