Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-01-04: Back
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Dear Madam: I am writing from the confines of the room of your second son - I am [1-4-41] seated at the desk which he inveigled from his father - I have a date but neither Elsie nor Ben has - evidently they think I drove 150 miles just to look over the Pi Phis -- but the imp. thing is - Send the book you gave me for xmas in the next laundry. S.B.
Dear Madam: I am writing from the confines of the room of your second son - I am [1-4-41] seated at the desk which he inveigled from his father - I have a date but neither Elsie nor Ben has - evidently they think I drove 150 miles just to look over the Pi Phis -- but the imp. thing is - Send the book you gave me for xmas in the next laundry. S.B.
Nile Kinnick Collection