Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-05-08: Front
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Thursday noon 5 - 8 -'41 Dear Family: This will really have to be short, and in all likelihood there will be no more until after exams. First of all thanks so very much for the watch. You are very thoughtful and generous as always but at the risk of appearing ungrateful I am sending it back knowing that you will be able to return it. It is true that I have given my other wristwatches to Eer and George and haven't even for a moment had any desire to ask either of them to relinquish his; and it is true that it would be nice to again have a wristwatch but, nonetheless, for the simple reason that I still think I will get the other one back I don't want to take another unitl I feel there is no chance to recover the other. It may sound strange but that is the way it is. Please don't keep it with the idea that I will want it later. Rather take it back and feel in no wise that I am handicapped without one or that it is toobad that a fellow who got so many watches is now without one. I miss it hardly at all as far as real utility is concerned and feel quite certain that somehow or somewhere I'll get the K. Smith watch. Again many thanks and for goodness sakes don't suggest to either Ben or George that it would be nice for them to tender back that which I gave them. I am not being a martyr to the saying that a men shouldn't be an "I dian giver" but rather strongly feel the way I do. I shall protest more at Association time if necessary. My exams are over the 22nd and I plan to go up to Adel that night or the next day. I shall bring along a good many things that I would like to have you take on home if you will. It looks as if I will be around here during the month of June altho there won't be much to do. Probably will be able to get in some golf. Incidentally, I played last Sun. afternoon again and had an 81 with about 5 three putt greens. Am definitely getting on to the game, I believe. I don't know of anything I enjoy more then playing golf late in the afternoon when there is no one else on the course and I can take my own sweet time and shoot two if I care to. Really a lot of fun and about the right am't of exercise. Spring practice ends next Sat. with an inter-squad game. There are just about enough out to make up two teams with a few reserves and that is about all. Frank Carideo and I are in charge of the blacks this week and Harris and Hofer in charge of the whites. We probably have the better running backfield with Coupee and Green but they have the better passer in Youel and ostensibly a better line. Farmer and Diehl won't play inasmuch as they are out for baseball. Its hard to believe that this year is drawing to a close. Again it has flown by awfully fast. How happily surprised I am to find that I am in as goo d shape on my studies as I am. Late in the fall I felt that I would be lucky to do just an average job but now I feel that I can do real well on these finals altho nothing of course is assured as yet. I haven't experienced such a lovely spring for years. We have had day after day of wonderful warm weather for a month or so now. Night before last and yesterday we had some nice soaking rains. And comes the summer I don't know for sure what I will do but plan to come home at the end of June and then some kind of a decision on this Army deal will hav e to be made. It won't be long until our navy is a belligerent and rightly so. It is not pleasant to contemplate but it is a job that has to be done. I hope that the courage and honor which 1 have admired in people of the past will come to the fore in my own life. He who fights on the side of Principle wears the "whole armor of God" and that is true in battle as well as in individula problems. "thousands shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee"---the necessity of completely understanding the truth and protective power of that Law has now arrived. Love to all --will see you in Adel on the 24th. Had a nice letter from Grandma after she got back from her visit in Omaha. S.B.
Thursday noon 5 - 8 -'41 Dear Family: This will really have to be short, and in all likelihood there will be no more until after exams. First of all thanks so very much for the watch. You are very thoughtful and generous as always but at the risk of appearing ungrateful I am sending it back knowing that you will be able to return it. It is true that I have given my other wristwatches to Eer and George and haven't even for a moment had any desire to ask either of them to relinquish his; and it is true that it would be nice to again have a wristwatch but, nonetheless, for the simple reason that I still think I will get the other one back I don't want to take another unitl I feel there is no chance to recover the other. It may sound strange but that is the way it is. Please don't keep it with the idea that I will want it later. Rather take it back and feel in no wise that I am handicapped without one or that it is toobad that a fellow who got so many watches is now without one. I miss it hardly at all as far as real utility is concerned and feel quite certain that somehow or somewhere I'll get the K. Smith watch. Again many thanks and for goodness sakes don't suggest to either Ben or George that it would be nice for them to tender back that which I gave them. I am not being a martyr to the saying that a men shouldn't be an "I dian giver" but rather strongly feel the way I do. I shall protest more at Association time if necessary. My exams are over the 22nd and I plan to go up to Adel that night or the next day. I shall bring along a good many things that I would like to have you take on home if you will. It looks as if I will be around here during the month of June altho there won't be much to do. Probably will be able to get in some golf. Incidentally, I played last Sun. afternoon again and had an 81 with about 5 three putt greens. Am definitely getting on to the game, I believe. I don't know of anything I enjoy more then playing golf late in the afternoon when there is no one else on the course and I can take my own sweet time and shoot two if I care to. Really a lot of fun and about the right am't of exercise. Spring practice ends next Sat. with an inter-squad game. There are just about enough out to make up two teams with a few reserves and that is about all. Frank Carideo and I are in charge of the blacks this week and Harris and Hofer in charge of the whites. We probably have the better running backfield with Coupee and Green but they have the better passer in Youel and ostensibly a better line. Farmer and Diehl won't play inasmuch as they are out for baseball. Its hard to believe that this year is drawing to a close. Again it has flown by awfully fast. How happily surprised I am to find that I am in as goo d shape on my studies as I am. Late in the fall I felt that I would be lucky to do just an average job but now I feel that I can do real well on these finals altho nothing of course is assured as yet. I haven't experienced such a lovely spring for years. We have had day after day of wonderful warm weather for a month or so now. Night before last and yesterday we had some nice soaking rains. And comes the summer I don't know for sure what I will do but plan to come home at the end of June and then some kind of a decision on this Army deal will hav e to be made. It won't be long until our navy is a belligerent and rightly so. It is not pleasant to contemplate but it is a job that has to be done. I hope that the courage and honor which 1 have admired in people of the past will come to the fore in my own life. He who fights on the side of Principle wears the "whole armor of God" and that is true in battle as well as in individula problems. "thousands shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee"---the necessity of completely understanding the truth and protective power of that Law has now arrived. Love to all --will see you in Adel on the 24th. Had a nice letter from Grandma after she got back from her visit in Omaha. S.B.
Nile Kinnick Collection