Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-06-13: Page 03
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pression would be most desirable. The theme of the letters could be anything tha t we wished individually to write on. It could be advice and suggestion based on past experience, or your views on polities, governnent, war, literature, love, women, athletics, religion, philosophy, mathematics, or even a description of the view from your window or a trip that you may have taken. In other words any subject that would be of interest or instruction and which would provide a stimulant for power and beauty of expression would be alright. However, they must be something more than just ordinary letters both in content and construction if they are to be of real worth. Just news and expressions of felicitations should be separated from the main body of the kind of letters I am suggesting. The scope of such an undertaking would be rather large. It would take time and thought. Twenty or thirty minutes for a letter would not near be sufficient. It may be that the idea would peter out but I think it would be worth a try. What do you think? I, of course, haven't written you a letter of the type I mean as yet so it may be that you don't quite understand what I am driving at. You might ask to see the letter I wrote George and thus get some idea of what I mean. I should add that the tone of the letter I wrote George is too fatherly to interest you much, or even him, far that matter. But on the other hand it will indicate that we should pass on to each other the profit of our individual experiences. We could add to, criticize, and take issue with what the other writes, I think it is a grand idea but realize at the same time that I am more interested in this sort of thing than you and George. If neither of you feel that it is worth the effort don't hesitate to say so, but I hope, nonetheless, that you won't mind if Iwrite to you in this vein now and again. Everything said would of course be considered strictly personal although I think most of the letters could be shown to the folks if we wished. It seems to me it would be a good idea to file them away for future reference, also. One more thing.....they wouldn't necessarily have to be long. Just some effort to set down clearly, powerfully, and with some beauty of expression an idea or thought that would be of interest and value. I am afraid that this a rather labored effort get across my plan. There is little power and no beauty in the way that I have said it. However, I submit it to you for what it may be worth and hope that you view it favorably. May I hear from you soon. Yours, Nile
pression would be most desirable. The theme of the letters could be anything tha t we wished individually to write on. It could be advice and suggestion based on past experience, or your views on polities, governnent, war, literature, love, women, athletics, religion, philosophy, mathematics, or even a description of the view from your window or a trip that you may have taken. In other words any subject that would be of interest or instruction and which would provide a stimulant for power and beauty of expression would be alright. However, they must be something more than just ordinary letters both in content and construction if they are to be of real worth. Just news and expressions of felicitations should be separated from the main body of the kind of letters I am suggesting. The scope of such an undertaking would be rather large. It would take time and thought. Twenty or thirty minutes for a letter would not near be sufficient. It may be that the idea would peter out but I think it would be worth a try. What do you think? I, of course, haven't written you a letter of the type I mean as yet so it may be that you don't quite understand what I am driving at. You might ask to see the letter I wrote George and thus get some idea of what I mean. I should add that the tone of the letter I wrote George is too fatherly to interest you much, or even him, far that matter. But on the other hand it will indicate that we should pass on to each other the profit of our individual experiences. We could add to, criticize, and take issue with what the other writes, I think it is a grand idea but realize at the same time that I am more interested in this sort of thing than you and George. If neither of you feel that it is worth the effort don't hesitate to say so, but I hope, nonetheless, that you won't mind if Iwrite to you in this vein now and again. Everything said would of course be considered strictly personal although I think most of the letters could be shown to the folks if we wished. It seems to me it would be a good idea to file them away for future reference, also. One more thing.....they wouldn't necessarily have to be long. Just some effort to set down clearly, powerfully, and with some beauty of expression an idea or thought that would be of interest and value. I am afraid that this a rather labored effort get across my plan. There is little power and no beauty in the way that I have said it. However, I submit it to you for what it may be worth and hope that you view it favorably. May I hear from you soon. Yours, Nile
Nile Kinnick Collection