Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-09-25: Page 01
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Thursday Sept. 25, 1941 Dear Family: School started today and it felt a bit strange not to be among those registered. However, I am not sorry in the least nor do I regret having enlisted in the Air Corps. All is working out just as I hoped it would. Now if I only like flying everything will be perfect - and I have every reason to believe that I will. Charlie Gatchset took some of us up in the R. & J. plane when he brought Bert McGrane down for the annual pre-season write up. He did a few minor didoes which gave me a thrill I can't describe. I can hardly wait till I qualify for such flying myself. You would have been crazy about it, father. I hope that
Thursday Sept. 25, 1941 Dear Family: School started today and it felt a bit strange not to be among those registered. However, I am not sorry in the least nor do I regret having enlisted in the Air Corps. All is working out just as I hoped it would. Now if I only like flying everything will be perfect - and I have every reason to believe that I will. Charlie Gatchset took some of us up in the R. & J. plane when he brought Bert McGrane down for the annual pre-season write up. He did a few minor didoes which gave me a thrill I can't describe. I can hardly wait till I qualify for such flying myself. You would have been crazy about it, father. I hope that
Nile Kinnick Collection