Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-11-16: Front
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Sunday Nov. 16, 1941 11-16-41 Dear Folks: Just a brief note to throw what light I can on the plans for the coming weekend. First of all don't expect me in Friday night. I rather think I shall drive out from Adel on Sat. morning. Whether I shall be accompanied by friends who will want to stay with me I cannot yet rightly say. Why don't you plan to have help come in betimes Sat. morning. I shall be glad to take care of the expense since it is really my party, and if nobody comes with me mother can take it just that much easier. Should my very vague plans work out Bill Stuart, Tom Louden, and a damozel would be those whom I would like to stay at our house. If I bring any girl at all it will be Barbara Miller who is now working in D. Moines. I think you would find her quite personable and enjoyable. It would mean that an ash tray or two should be handy. And if I see an arched eyebrows over what is said or done I shall walk out on you, so help me. I have no great interest in the girl nor any great desire to have Tom and Bill come out with me, I don't really think we would have the greatest time in the world. But I do think that it is time that I do something of this nature now and then. All persons mentioned are friends of mine and nice company. There is no reason why we shouldn't have a passable time should it work out. I811 let you know as I soon as I can whether all this is becoming definite. The boys played a nice game against Minnesota for awhile Sat. They bowed to a team that I think is worthy of recognition as national champs. They outmanned, and outpowered us in every department. No one feel badly about the outcome. The game against Nebraska should be about even, I believe. I wrote you that I have tickets for father and George, didn't I? Will gladly get another for mother if she would like to go. Take it easy all. Will write at more length tomorrow or the next day. Yours, nile
Sunday Nov. 16, 1941 11-16-41 Dear Folks: Just a brief note to throw what light I can on the plans for the coming weekend. First of all don't expect me in Friday night. I rather think I shall drive out from Adel on Sat. morning. Whether I shall be accompanied by friends who will want to stay with me I cannot yet rightly say. Why don't you plan to have help come in betimes Sat. morning. I shall be glad to take care of the expense since it is really my party, and if nobody comes with me mother can take it just that much easier. Should my very vague plans work out Bill Stuart, Tom Louden, and a damozel would be those whom I would like to stay at our house. If I bring any girl at all it will be Barbara Miller who is now working in D. Moines. I think you would find her quite personable and enjoyable. It would mean that an ash tray or two should be handy. And if I see an arched eyebrows over what is said or done I shall walk out on you, so help me. I have no great interest in the girl nor any great desire to have Tom and Bill come out with me, I don't really think we would have the greatest time in the world. But I do think that it is time that I do something of this nature now and then. All persons mentioned are friends of mine and nice company. There is no reason why we shouldn't have a passable time should it work out. I811 let you know as I soon as I can whether all this is becoming definite. The boys played a nice game against Minnesota for awhile Sat. They bowed to a team that I think is worthy of recognition as national champs. They outmanned, and outpowered us in every department. No one feel badly about the outcome. The game against Nebraska should be about even, I believe. I wrote you that I have tickets for father and George, didn't I? Will gladly get another for mother if she would like to go. Take it easy all. Will write at more length tomorrow or the next day. Yours, nile
Nile Kinnick Collection