Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-12-06: Page 05
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3 I called up a girl last night whom Paul Wolfe, a brother Phi Psi in Ia City, used to go with. She sounded quite good over the phone so I asked, & got, a date for next Thurs. night. I hope she turns out to be OK. This morning I drove over to the city and hunted out the Chr. Science Reading room. It is located in the Waldheim Bldg and is a very pleasant place. I read & studied for about an hour & a half. I never fully realized before what an excellent part of the movement a Reading Room, is. I suspect that will be about the only place I'll be able to get much good studying done. Barrack life is a rough & ready atmosphere. It is quite tolerable but hardly the place to hold Sunday school. You perhaps are wondering what liberties I get, etc. As far
3 I called up a girl last night whom Paul Wolfe, a brother Phi Psi in Ia City, used to go with. She sounded quite good over the phone so I asked, & got, a date for next Thurs. night. I hope she turns out to be OK. This morning I drove over to the city and hunted out the Chr. Science Reading room. It is located in the Waldheim Bldg and is a very pleasant place. I read & studied for about an hour & a half. I never fully realized before what an excellent part of the movement a Reading Room, is. I suspect that will be about the only place I'll be able to get much good studying done. Barrack life is a rough & ready atmosphere. It is quite tolerable but hardly the place to hold Sunday school. You perhaps are wondering what liberties I get, etc. As far
Nile Kinnick Collection