Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-12-07: Front
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December 7, 1941 Dear SB: While we do not yet know your address, I am writing this note to be mailed later because I leave this evening at six o'clock for five days in Iowa on bank business. Sioux City, LeMars, Denison, Logan and Oakland. Last evening Mrs. Hobbs called to tell us about a letter that they had just received from Bob, with news that will be very interesting to you. And to state the synopsis first. Bob may be with you at Fairfax before long. I talked with Mrs. H. first and then with Mr. H., and the story is as follows. Bob has followed the practice of conferring with his draft board at intervals, and has always been told that his number would not come up for a year or a year and a half. But the last time, this week, they told him that all questionnaires would be issued by January lst, and that they couldn't tell him definitely when he might be called. I am enclosing a clipping from the Register with a couple of marked paragraphs, one of which seems to have some bearing on the point. So Bob is coming home right after Christmas. He receives his Christmas bonus from his employer on the 23rd of December and intends to take the streamliner for Omaha and according to Mr. H. will arrive on Saturday night, the 27th. It seems that he has long ago made his choice of the Naval Air Corps as the outfit he wants when his time comes. So he is go in to take what preliminary exams he can at Seattle, and they have told him there that he may transfer to KC for enlistment. So he is coming book to talk over the situation with his folks and I understand that final decision on entering the service now will be delayed until after he comes home. Should he go in soon it seems likely that his flying training received in Seattle should put him right up with you, at least. This appears to be about the situation that you had hoped for, and it surely will be grand if you boys can be together again for awhile at least. Bob is still staying with Fred and Mabel, and undoubtedly will do so until he leaves. Also is enclosed the editorial page of your favorite newspaper, which I believe you may find interesting, if you have time to read it. We are naturally very anxious to have your first report of life in the service. Last night mother and I spent a very enjoyable evening with the Michaels, who entertained for Miss Dominic. Small crowd but most pleasant. George walked over to North with cronies to see a North vs alumni game; won by North. I note that you still rate entree to football festivities even if you have temporarily abandoned that field. The W-H states that you were a guest at the Big Six dinner, Keep 'em flying Pop
December 7, 1941 Dear SB: While we do not yet know your address, I am writing this note to be mailed later because I leave this evening at six o'clock for five days in Iowa on bank business. Sioux City, LeMars, Denison, Logan and Oakland. Last evening Mrs. Hobbs called to tell us about a letter that they had just received from Bob, with news that will be very interesting to you. And to state the synopsis first. Bob may be with you at Fairfax before long. I talked with Mrs. H. first and then with Mr. H., and the story is as follows. Bob has followed the practice of conferring with his draft board at intervals, and has always been told that his number would not come up for a year or a year and a half. But the last time, this week, they told him that all questionnaires would be issued by January lst, and that they couldn't tell him definitely when he might be called. I am enclosing a clipping from the Register with a couple of marked paragraphs, one of which seems to have some bearing on the point. So Bob is coming home right after Christmas. He receives his Christmas bonus from his employer on the 23rd of December and intends to take the streamliner for Omaha and according to Mr. H. will arrive on Saturday night, the 27th. It seems that he has long ago made his choice of the Naval Air Corps as the outfit he wants when his time comes. So he is go in to take what preliminary exams he can at Seattle, and they have told him there that he may transfer to KC for enlistment. So he is coming book to talk over the situation with his folks and I understand that final decision on entering the service now will be delayed until after he comes home. Should he go in soon it seems likely that his flying training received in Seattle should put him right up with you, at least. This appears to be about the situation that you had hoped for, and it surely will be grand if you boys can be together again for awhile at least. Bob is still staying with Fred and Mabel, and undoubtedly will do so until he leaves. Also is enclosed the editorial page of your favorite newspaper, which I believe you may find interesting, if you have time to read it. We are naturally very anxious to have your first report of life in the service. Last night mother and I spent a very enjoyable evening with the Michaels, who entertained for Miss Dominic. Small crowd but most pleasant. George walked over to North with cronies to see a North vs alumni game; won by North. I note that you still rate entree to football festivities even if you have temporarily abandoned that field. The W-H states that you were a guest at the Big Six dinner, Keep 'em flying Pop
Nile Kinnick Collection