Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-12-12: Page 01
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Thursday - 10:30 AM Dec. 12, 1941 Dear Grandma: Today marks the end of my first week at this base. What I have thus far seen of this life, I like very much. Our daily routine goes something like this. We are up a six every morning taking calisthentics for fifteen minutes out on the concrete runway in front of the barracks. With a cold December wind howling out of the north it is usually a pretty frosty activity. We must have our bunks, made, barracks cleaned, personal toilet made, and breakfast consumed by 7:25 AM at which time we muster. For men who have been here awhile there is flying in the forenoon and classes after lunch. For new men like me there is cleanup work and other menial labor to be done before lunch time. In the afternoon we, too, have classes. At one oclock
Thursday - 10:30 AM Dec. 12, 1941 Dear Grandma: Today marks the end of my first week at this base. What I have thus far seen of this life, I like very much. Our daily routine goes something like this. We are up a six every morning taking calisthentics for fifteen minutes out on the concrete runway in front of the barracks. With a cold December wind howling out of the north it is usually a pretty frosty activity. We must have our bunks, made, barracks cleaned, personal toilet made, and breakfast consumed by 7:25 AM at which time we muster. For men who have been here awhile there is flying in the forenoon and classes after lunch. For new men like me there is cleanup work and other menial labor to be done before lunch time. In the afternoon we, too, have classes. At one oclock
Nile Kinnick Collection