Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-12-12: Page 04
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up so that in all likelihood I'll be lucky to have time to write letters; but at present it isn't a very strenuous life. I can't help noting what fine training my athletic experience has been for this service in the Naval Air Corps. Now that war has been declared I am wondering what will happen to Ben's status in the draft. If he is apt to be called soon I would like to see him join this branch of the service. I rather think Bob Hobbs will show up down here one of these days. Wouldn't it be fine if we could all take our training together?! A strong wind is sweeping snow across the landing field and swirling it around the barracks. I have finished my cleanup detail & am inside where it is warm. The radio just announced that both Italy & Germany have declared war on the U.S. & is now tuned to the session of the House of Repres.
up so that in all likelihood I'll be lucky to have time to write letters; but at present it isn't a very strenuous life. I can't help noting what fine training my athletic experience has been for this service in the Naval Air Corps. Now that war has been declared I am wondering what will happen to Ben's status in the draft. If he is apt to be called soon I would like to see him join this branch of the service. I rather think Bob Hobbs will show up down here one of these days. Wouldn't it be fine if we could all take our training together?! A strong wind is sweeping snow across the landing field and swirling it around the barracks. I have finished my cleanup detail & am inside where it is warm. The radio just announced that both Italy & Germany have declared war on the U.S. & is now tuned to the session of the House of Repres.
Nile Kinnick Collection