Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-12-16: Front
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Tuesday Dec. 16, 1941 Dear People: First I want to acknowledge receipt of all the things I asked you to send me including the very welcome package of stuffed dates. However, I still have not received Bob's letter which you said you forwarded to me. If he is coming down tomorrow I guess it won't make much difference whether I ever get it or not. In re what George might get me for Xmas, let me say that a book called "Your Wings" by Jordanoff would be much to my liking. It not only would supply a lot of the information which I need, but it would make a fine contribution to any library. If you should decide to get it, please try to have it for me when I come home for Xmas--if such a liberty should actually come to pass. Russ Luersson recommended the reading of this particular book very highly for those contemplating entering the Navy Air Corps. Things go along here much the same from day to day. We are up at six taking exercises out on the ramp, and for the rest of the day we are either flying, going to class, or on detail duty around the base. Ken was up for the first time today. I take my second lesson in the Link trainer tomorrow and then if all goes well I should be up for actual flying instruction soon after. Thus far, math has been quite easy, radio rather tough, and judging from my first performance in the Link trainer flying is not going to be any breeze for me. Frankly, though, I can't conceive having too much difficulty. It would be much more to my liking if I had more opportunity for Science study, but now that we are on a seven day week it is pretty hard to squeeze in the time. I plan to drive over to the reading room tomorrow night. Last night Ken and I attended an Iowa alumnae gathering at a place called Rockheath Inn out on the eastern outskirts of KC Mo. It was a spirited group and we had a fine time despite the fact we had to be back at the base by ten oclock. They set out one of the finest meals I have had in a long time ....... fried chicken, sweet potatoes, green peas, and all the trimmings. When I finished up the pile of bones on my plate looked similar to that found in the lair of brer fox. We left shortly after nine oclock for the base and promptly lost our way, ending up on some road going out of town instead of west toward the loop. It was nip and tuck all the way back to see if we could make it in time. We risked the possibility of arrest in an all out effort to avoid demerits for being late. We exceeded the speed limit, ran red lights, etc. but finally sneaked in under the wire by three minutes. Henceforward, will make more sure of my directions. Vociferous bull session going on right beside my bunk so I8ll bring this to a close. The Register arrived today for the first time. It will be fine to get a little authoritative news even though it is a day late. I am going to enclose a few letters I have received in which I think you may be interested. They will speak for themselves, I think., so I shall make no further comment except to say that I hesitated quite a bit before including E. Charlton's letter. The quotation's on the back page prompted me to send it along--just for the record. Keep it under your hat, however. Yours, SB
Tuesday Dec. 16, 1941 Dear People: First I want to acknowledge receipt of all the things I asked you to send me including the very welcome package of stuffed dates. However, I still have not received Bob's letter which you said you forwarded to me. If he is coming down tomorrow I guess it won't make much difference whether I ever get it or not. In re what George might get me for Xmas, let me say that a book called "Your Wings" by Jordanoff would be much to my liking. It not only would supply a lot of the information which I need, but it would make a fine contribution to any library. If you should decide to get it, please try to have it for me when I come home for Xmas--if such a liberty should actually come to pass. Russ Luersson recommended the reading of this particular book very highly for those contemplating entering the Navy Air Corps. Things go along here much the same from day to day. We are up at six taking exercises out on the ramp, and for the rest of the day we are either flying, going to class, or on detail duty around the base. Ken was up for the first time today. I take my second lesson in the Link trainer tomorrow and then if all goes well I should be up for actual flying instruction soon after. Thus far, math has been quite easy, radio rather tough, and judging from my first performance in the Link trainer flying is not going to be any breeze for me. Frankly, though, I can't conceive having too much difficulty. It would be much more to my liking if I had more opportunity for Science study, but now that we are on a seven day week it is pretty hard to squeeze in the time. I plan to drive over to the reading room tomorrow night. Last night Ken and I attended an Iowa alumnae gathering at a place called Rockheath Inn out on the eastern outskirts of KC Mo. It was a spirited group and we had a fine time despite the fact we had to be back at the base by ten oclock. They set out one of the finest meals I have had in a long time ....... fried chicken, sweet potatoes, green peas, and all the trimmings. When I finished up the pile of bones on my plate looked similar to that found in the lair of brer fox. We left shortly after nine oclock for the base and promptly lost our way, ending up on some road going out of town instead of west toward the loop. It was nip and tuck all the way back to see if we could make it in time. We risked the possibility of arrest in an all out effort to avoid demerits for being late. We exceeded the speed limit, ran red lights, etc. but finally sneaked in under the wire by three minutes. Henceforward, will make more sure of my directions. Vociferous bull session going on right beside my bunk so I8ll bring this to a close. The Register arrived today for the first time. It will be fine to get a little authoritative news even though it is a day late. I am going to enclose a few letters I have received in which I think you may be interested. They will speak for themselves, I think., so I shall make no further comment except to say that I hesitated quite a bit before including E. Charlton's letter. The quotation's on the back page prompted me to send it along--just for the record. Keep it under your hat, however. Yours, SB
Nile Kinnick Collection