Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-December 1941
1941-12-30: Page 01
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Tuesday night Dec. 30, 1941 Dear People: I think it is time for me to speak specifically of my flying. Today I finished my fourth hour of actual instruction. Things have gone well, and I am pretty well satisfied with my progress thus far. Each additional hour finds me more sure of myself and I believe, more enthused. While at home over Xmas I mentioned that it is the policy of the instructors to let you find out things for yourself. At the beginning of my second hour my instructor let me taxi out to the end of the runway then he said ok, take her off. He had given me no advice or instruction how to do this so I did just what seemed natural. I felt much as I did in the old days when Red Cloud or Cimarron headed for the barn and I did nothing
Tuesday night Dec. 30, 1941 Dear People: I think it is time for me to speak specifically of my flying. Today I finished my fourth hour of actual instruction. Things have gone well, and I am pretty well satisfied with my progress thus far. Each additional hour finds me more sure of myself and I believe, more enthused. While at home over Xmas I mentioned that it is the policy of the instructors to let you find out things for yourself. At the beginning of my second hour my instructor let me taxi out to the end of the runway then he said ok, take her off. He had given me no advice or instruction how to do this so I did just what seemed natural. I felt much as I did in the old days when Red Cloud or Cimarron headed for the barn and I did nothing
Nile Kinnick Collection