Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-May 1940
1940-03-30: Page 01
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[March 30, 1940] Nile C. Kinnick Iowa City, Iowa Saturday (March 31, '40) [?] Dear Gus: Just another brief letter but containing some information which may be of interest to you and asking you to make an inquiry for me. When I was in Chicago speaking at the Phi Psi banquet Chas Strickland our nat'l president from Mason City said he thought he could arrange for me to be an alternate delegate from Iowa to the Republican convention - all expenses paid, etc. I thought he was kidding but today I learned from one of the brothers here in the house who is a good
[March 30, 1940] Nile C. Kinnick Iowa City, Iowa Saturday (March 31, '40) [?] Dear Gus: Just another brief letter but containing some information which may be of interest to you and asking you to make an inquiry for me. When I was in Chicago speaking at the Phi Psi banquet Chas Strickland our nat'l president from Mason City said he thought he could arrange for me to be an alternate delegate from Iowa to the Republican convention - all expenses paid, etc. I thought he was kidding but today I learned from one of the brothers here in the house who is a good
Nile Kinnick Collection