Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-May 1940
1940-05-25: Front
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Omaha, Nebraska May 25, 1940 Dear Nile: This afternoon, shortly after noon, I returned from a six day junket into tho wheat belt of Nebraska, covering somewhat the same territory that you and I traversed s couple of years ago, only in the reverse direction. Mother has just Made some chocolate cookies with nuts in them, and has brought me a helping of the first ones to sustain me while I catch up on my correspondence. Noone will do that for you when you are on the road selling folders. The winter wehat of Nebraska is almost a failure except in the three Eastern tiers of counties. Many counties will have a 90% failure. Some counties are now suffering for rain, while those along the Southern border have had good rains this month. Enclosed is a letter for you from Mr. Keebaugh. Mother tells me that she returned the letter from Baum. Please let us know his answer to your last letter, Next Sunday, the 2nd, we shall be driving over to attend your graduation. Do you want us to come early enough on Sunday evening to hear the Baccalaureate services. If you have no other plans we can do so, but if you have a date or any other engagement we will drive directly to Cedar Rapids and proceed to Iowa City early Monday morning. The Commencement begins at nine o'clock we note. In your next letter you might comment on plans for Sunday night, and also on when and where you wish us to meet you on Monday morning. Probably you will have some supplies or dunnage that you want us to bring home. It is likely that Mary and Michael will return with us to Adel, as they intend to visit in Adel that week. Clarke will be there for class the following Saturday, you know. Tuesday and Wednesday I will go with a party from the Real Estate department to attend a couple of meeting in Iowa at Denison and Red Oak, Mary Lindsay is visiting in Atlantic for a week or so, and we hope that they can come out here for a day. Ruth wanted mother there on next Monday but she cannot make it that day. Love Pop
Omaha, Nebraska May 25, 1940 Dear Nile: This afternoon, shortly after noon, I returned from a six day junket into tho wheat belt of Nebraska, covering somewhat the same territory that you and I traversed s couple of years ago, only in the reverse direction. Mother has just Made some chocolate cookies with nuts in them, and has brought me a helping of the first ones to sustain me while I catch up on my correspondence. Noone will do that for you when you are on the road selling folders. The winter wehat of Nebraska is almost a failure except in the three Eastern tiers of counties. Many counties will have a 90% failure. Some counties are now suffering for rain, while those along the Southern border have had good rains this month. Enclosed is a letter for you from Mr. Keebaugh. Mother tells me that she returned the letter from Baum. Please let us know his answer to your last letter, Next Sunday, the 2nd, we shall be driving over to attend your graduation. Do you want us to come early enough on Sunday evening to hear the Baccalaureate services. If you have no other plans we can do so, but if you have a date or any other engagement we will drive directly to Cedar Rapids and proceed to Iowa City early Monday morning. The Commencement begins at nine o'clock we note. In your next letter you might comment on plans for Sunday night, and also on when and where you wish us to meet you on Monday morning. Probably you will have some supplies or dunnage that you want us to bring home. It is likely that Mary and Michael will return with us to Adel, as they intend to visit in Adel that week. Clarke will be there for class the following Saturday, you know. Tuesday and Wednesday I will go with a party from the Real Estate department to attend a couple of meeting in Iowa at Denison and Red Oak, Mary Lindsay is visiting in Atlantic for a week or so, and we hope that they can come out here for a day. Ruth wanted mother there on next Monday but she cannot make it that day. Love Pop
Nile Kinnick Collection