Jacob Harrison Allspaugh diary, November 1864-January 1865
1864-11-14 Page 02
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dangerous. All day the fire raged, spreding before night over all the business portion of the town, destroying many Quartermaster and Comissary stores. Many families were turned out of homes by the flames and their cries and tears were most heart-rending. The flames could not be kept under although heavy details were sent to work and all night they swept over the ill fated city, the light at a mile off being so bright as to enable one
dangerous. All day the fire raged, spreding before night over all the business portion of the town, destroying many Quartermaster and Comissary stores. Many families were turned out of homes by the flames and their cries and tears were most heart-rending. The flames could not be kept under although heavy details were sent to work and all night they swept over the ill fated city, the light at a mile off being so bright as to enable one
Civil War Diaries and Letters