Jacob Harrison Allspaugh diary, November 1864-January 1865
1864-11-15 -- 1964-11-16
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to see to read. It was a grand and pitiful sight. Aug 1885 After nearly 20 years I must cling to my assertion made on the preceding page, although our army have been accused of burning Atlanta. If we had wanted it fired we would not have felt so badly at its burning at the time. JH.A. 16" Drew clothing & rations last night and expected a short rest. but were
to see to read. It was a grand and pitiful sight. Aug 1885 After nearly 20 years I must cling to my assertion made on the preceding page, although our army have been accused of burning Atlanta. If we had wanted it fired we would not have felt so badly at its burning at the time. JH.A. 16" Drew clothing & rations last night and expected a short rest. but were
Civil War Diaries and Letters