Bean family letters, 1862-1863
1863-05-11 Envelope
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I send this back to your home in connection with others put into my hands by the Adj. sacravising the intel. of 1 }T.Stowe} chap 114th.O.V.I. A. A. Bean Asst, Surgeon 114th. Regiment O.V.I. 3d. Brigade 9th. division 13th. Army Core Army of th Mississippi Newbury Minn May 11th 1863
I send this back to your home in connection with others put into my hands by the Adj. sacravising the intel. of 1 }T.Stowe} chap 114th.O.V.I. A. A. Bean Asst, Surgeon 114th. Regiment O.V.I. 3d. Brigade 9th. division 13th. Army Core Army of th Mississippi Newbury Minn May 11th 1863
Civil War Diaries and Letters